Sunday, April 30, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I'm done!
EXAMS are overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... alhumdalillah! Now i can chill and reeeelax and get some well needed rest :) ... well only for like 2 weeks then.. dun dun dun... Summer School begins on the 15th.
On a side note, my girls from Hamilton are coming over this weekend, insh'allah! Yayyyyyyyyy! I can't wait... they are the bestest sisters ever. And Sehr & her daughter are down for the week too :) and Amber's coming too! It's like a family reunion... I gotta make some wickedd dessert. Any ideas?? Cuz I am sick of my signature desserts... the almond toffee squares, the cupcakes (you know u love em!), the upside down pineapple cake...
Last exam today @ 4 :) ... Sociocultural Anthro... should be alright insh'allah. Please make dua'a for me y'all!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
The Infamous Jays' Game ... yeahhh Jays 10-5 over Yanks!!

So we all finally went to the Jays/Yanks game last week, on Tuesday... $2 tix baby, but they were $15 seats!.. so pretty good seats. They won 10-5... yeahhh baby!

I really like their new logo... they revamped it yet again... 'modrenized' if you will. They're hat even looks decent... dare I say it.. this might be their year to win the Cup again!!... i mean the World Series.

ESM was fun... especially the bday stand up on the chair part ;) Priceless. But the ice cream should've been fed with out a spoon.. like they did to me at Pizza Hut in India.

Thursday, April 20, 2006
Happy Birthday Marrrrriaaaaa!!

Love ya Marr!
Now it's time for some embarasssssing pics!

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy 5th Birthday Iyaaaaadu!

It's my lil cutie pie nephew, Iyad's birthday today! He's a whole hand now!! Time flies man... i remember the first time he came to visit and he was this shy, little bacha for like an hour then his rambunctious, talkative side came out and we all fell in love with this kid. Mash'Allah he is an awesome kid... EVERYONE falls in love with him after meeting.. or even talking to him.

He wouldn't let us kiss him... haha for the longest time so i would hafta trick him. But kid has gotta a temppppper... the "khandaani ghussa" as we like to call it. He has the cutest little, high pitched voice.
He has the tendency to do the funniest things.. like at Bro's Mehndi... he would come to the stairs and everyone was singing and stuff... and he would shake his head and say "tauba tauba".. then 2 mins later he'd come down and join the party...
One thing I'll never forget is when he was over last time... I was angry, sad about something... and i was playing with him and he comes and sits on my lap and asks me why I'm sad or mad... and i jus gave him a bigggg hug and I felt sooo much better. For this little kid to notice that in me... blew me away. And he knows how to ham it up for the camera...
So here's a lil montage of Iyad!

We love you Iyaaad! Many, many, many happy returns of the day.. as they would say in Pakistan ;)
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Happy Ghar Brownie!

You know how every family does distinctly odd things, well I guess you just come to expect it'll happen at some point at everyone who is outside your family friend's circle. So at one point, Aunty was handing out these wildly colored little flowery things that were in a tray. And we all were like... what are those and what are we supposed to do with them?!! And for some reason,

overanalyzed the situation. The little flowery things actually were tissue paper flowers sprayed with perfume... apparently people hand them out after milads and stuff. And so yeah, they were actually jus smelling the flowers, not eating them. Ooooops?
Looks like we're in a gao nah?
My presentation is in 40 minutes!! Make dua'a for me if you read this before 9:00am EST today :) It should be okay, inshAllah... as it's like a Science Fair type atmosphere anyhow. So half the class will have their boards up as well.. and will be walking around checking out our boards & asking questions :S
I felt like I was in high school yesterday, as i walked out of the mall to the bus to home carrying this huge poster board...
Ahhh.. 38 minutes! I'd better go practice what I'm gonna say.... nahhhhh.. and then after that it's my Archaeology test!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Jays' Season Opener :)
Yeahhhhh.... they won! Just like i thought they would... that makes them BETTER than the Leafs and Raps already!!!
6-3 baby... it was a really exciting game... contrary to popular belief. Halladay was pitching, so that almost guaranteed them a win... he is Cy Young Material after all... and I'm not really sure who else is left on the team from last season... they got rid of a lot of good people... but i guess acquired some as well. And they were playing the Twins' .. Shanny Stewart's team... he made some wickedd catches...
Can't wait for the game! Come on, no need to hate... jus because the other Toronto teams suck.
Do you guys rem the song they sing at the Stadium... and we're all soooo doing the wave!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Why am I such a procrastinator?!?!
The last 2 weeks have been psychotic... see atleast if i had the satisfaction of graduating at the end of exams I probably wouldn't even complain... but the thought of another year of this is jus... depressing! And don't tell me school is fun or that all of you graduates are gonna miss it. You're SO not gonna miss the studying, cramming, getting by on 3 hours of sleep, test writing, faking you're sick so you can get a doctor's note, and stupid essays... i jus finished my reference list for my Psych paper... probably the most annoying thing I've ever done!! 10 references and stupid APA style!
So back to why I'm a procrastinator... maybe I like doing work when there's a looming deadline... NO... maybe I enjoy staying up all night typing... nope... I think I'm jus plain old LAZY! But it's really coming back to bite me in the...
Paper due tomorrow... finished it Alhumdalillah!!... Test on Tuesday... Test on Friday... Presentation & Test next Tues.... and i haven't even touched.. i mean bought the textbook for that last one yet :S... or read the journal article I am presenting.... and i hafta make a Posterboard. Anyone artistic and wants to do it for me?? :)
So see ya when all of this is over... then exam time.. yippee...
BUT one thing I am looking forward to is.. Blue Jays game :) We'd so better be going...