Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Day ???....(I stopped counting)

sarahUpdate: We received an email recently, and still NO stories!! I requested her to do so this time. I heard she was a little sick (nothing serious) but others felt she was just being stuck up or had issues with the food...they must know her well :)

AAA: We went to ISNA. I saw some of you. It was quite fun. Although tiring with booth work and some children's program, their PINK ribbons were a nice touch although somehow they kept falling off my name tag, Gosh!

Also, the booth thing went pretty well AH, until the last guy, he kept asking too many questions that were leading nowhere really and kept me from going to the ONE session I attended (too busy). Later I found out he was HT and most likely had no interest in YM, nothing against HT, just that one guy I later found out was known to do such things. Kher, it was aiight otherwise and I heard the funniest thing, maybe not to you guys, but Baaji someone was saying to their kid "WHY ARE YOU CRYING??!!!??!!" LOL, muuhahah.

Upcoming YM Events: (You know this was coming) we'll have a table inshallah at MYLC so be there!! The date is may 28 at the Peel Board place (i think) in Mississauga.

Full House: DJ pulled a prank on the principal; she put his car on the roof but then it was going to tain, Uncle Jesse had to hot wire the car to move it and he got caught. The principal didn't like Uncle Jesse cuz he was always jealous of his hair...and it turned out he (principal) wore a wig ... haaaahha

That's it for now...Contender Finale tonight both guys I picked (fine..don't believe me) But I say Sergio beats Peter..Sergio's more intellectual and wants to become a writer. Plus he's not all that built like the others, so he's got more skill in the ring I think. btw sisters I advise not to watch this show, the guys wear no shirts during the match..or at least lower your gazes at that point :) .. "Why are you laughing?"

And once again I will have reject a marriage proposal.. Sorry Salma..Sorry..lol

Peace homies

Monday, May 16, 2005

Day 6

SarahUPDATE: I dont know...i think they bought some stuff.

(baaji if you're reading the answer to your question is Rainbow Centre-1st floor..I'll explain in an email)

AAA:State of tha House: we rented Hotel Rwanda..heard it was good haven't seen it yet

today me and papa ate parathas and kofta for lunch..store bought parathas and no not the flaky ones in the commercials..real parathas like Ammi makes :)

OH and yesterday I did the LAUNDRY for 1st time in my life!!! BOOH-YAH!

Full House: Uncle Jesse pours fish mush down Joey's shirt to teach the boys about forgiveness...hahahaha

Other: I missed episodes of 'The Simpsons' and 'The Contender' but I heard Peter Manfredo beat Alfonso..Yea take that!

STay Tuned for more updates later in the week... ur comments are welcome and plz about this blog's new-found brilliance please ..please Mention Not.

new Format

1.) "SarahUPDATE": updates on Sarah in Pakistan

2.) "AAA: State of tha House": How tha Boyz are doin at home (AAA meaning Anwar(PAPA), Ahmer (BHAI), and Azfar) yes I know you ALL are impressed...all meaning sarah and shazia since no one else is positing comments!

3.) "What's so good about Full House": Mon-Fri 5PM on CTS..except i cant watch mon&wed due to summer school..arrghh

perhaps more sections later....perhaps

AND remember 'Don't be Sad'

Thursday, May 12, 2005

S.A.R.A.H. phone Home

ok we got a call yesterday from Sarah (baaji) from a Pakistani Airport...

Alhumdulillah they have arrived safe and sound in Karachi. She said she "snuck" by customs and made it outside to be received by just a few hundred of our closest relatives who came in a couple of cars and a BUS... you know the usual.

And at home we're almost out of BAnanas..B- A-yananananas... aaahhhh

Yep..and thats about it..me and papaji have been trying to call but they no home yet...wait I think we JUST got thru (2:52 pm may 12). pEaCE.

Monday, May 09, 2005

I'm goin to...

Pakitano! Welcome to Pakitano! (to the music of 'Miami' by Will Smith... ok fine I'll stop being a ref)

Me and Ammi are goin to Karachi... it should be fun :) because we're goin to SHOP til we drop!! I'll be heading out tomorrow insh'Allah. Man what a last minute trip.. I've only had 2-3 days to get stuff together and i only have half of one suitcase packed... today is gonna be crazy. And I still need to do some crazy shopping. Me and Ammi already made a list like 3 months ago about what we need to get... good thing we did... because we wouldn't be able to remember what to get now. I jus finished exams on thursday.. then Friday was Moeed's wedding, which was a lot of fun! (And I wore a black sari!! First time in my life.. it was sooo nice... but a bit transparent in the tummy area..which i found later)

But apparently it's really hot there... like 32-35 degrees everyday... ohhhh man.. good thing I will have a month to recover till wedding season begins!! We'll be back in about 4 weeks inshAllah... SO no one had better get engaged, married or have a birthday till I return!! ALRITE!?!

Keep my blog company while I'm gone... bechaara blog... because I don't think I'll get a chance to update at all but Azfar might keep it going... so if there are any weird posts... like Sarah's getting married to the village idiot... you'll know it was him. And NO I'm not goin to get married there.... NO WAY JOSE! So don't even start... alrighty... have a great month and see ya when i get back inshAllah!

Salaams and Buh Bye.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Salman Khan.. Posted by Hello

My dream come true!

I think I have just stumbled upon every desi girls dream... it's the funniest thing ever though! I just had to put it on my blog.. especially after the misunderstanding on Yaseen's blog (I thought he was saying that Salman Khan got married.. but he was talkin bout his friend Salma..) so anyways I jus couldn't resist!

Ever wanted to invite Salman Khan to your Shaadi?

Wanna invite Salman Khan to your Shaadi? It's very much possible! All you got to do is watch his latest release Mujhse Shaadi Karogi at the Fame Adlabs multiplex in Mumbai and answer some simple questions. If you are the lucky one, Salman will be the chief guest to your function.

Others prizes include a foreign honeymoon trip and wedding outfits by Biba and Neeta Lulla. Well, everything's designed as per the Shaadi theme of the film.

I found this on some site. Too funny! But I'm ashamed to say I would've entered it if I had known earlier. But I wonder if he'd really come.. you know those big Bollywood star types. But that would be pretty cool eh? Except that he'd totally steal your thunder.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Oprah taught me something!

I was watching Oprah today... and for once it wasn't about Desperate Housewives and was actually informative. So I thought I'd share some tidbits with all of ya.

Tips on how to reduce the risk of Cancer:

eat/consume -- green, leafy vegetables (esp: cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts)
-- Vitamin D (milk)
-- Folic Acid (Orange Juice, lentils, chick peas)
-- Tomatoes

Happy Eating!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

IQ Test

Think ur smart?! Prove it... take the ultimate IQ Test

CAIR-CAN went well!

You guys shoulda came! It was totally sold out... for $40-60 I call it a success!Even though I missed most of the speeches because i was helpin with the Children's program registration... once in a while we'd drop in and listen to some speakers.

But it was definitely a LONG night with the kids. There were only like 30 kids.. but honestly it felt like there were double. The boys were psycho.. well only a handful of them and they kept running outta the rooms.. you'd think they were like 3 yrs old! We tried to keep em occupied with crafts and movies.. but they all seemed to have ADD.. they got bored doing just about everything. We had Play Doh!! Who gets sick of Play Doh?! And who doesn't like Arthur?! Then there were some absolutely adorable kids... who drew me pictures and then (I'm so mean!) I lost them somewhere in the room :S! I was so touched... and I swear I didn't mean to lose them.. I actually put them on a table and then at the end of the night when I went to look for them they were gone. There were these really adorable little girls named Sara and Seher (isn't that soo funny!) anyways so they were really shy when they first came...and then here and there I'd drop in and see what they were doing. L'il Seher skipped dinner.. she didn't want the sandwiches.. so i was pretty worried bout her.. cuz we were all starving. But before you know it l'il old Seher... was actually talking to me and drawing pictures with me.. highlight of my night. Then I let one girl braid my hair.. jus to keep her busy and then all of them wanted to do it.. and I couldn't say no cuz then it would've been unfair and girls can be pretty sensitive to stuff like that, so at one point in the night I had like 4 braids and ponytails in my hair. I must've looked spectacular... although I think I saw Madihah laughing and pointing...

Then me, Madihah & her cuz (missed u Roohi!) skipped out to Harvey's ... we were in the mood for some milkshakes... but they didn't have any :( But afterwards we got some cheesecake... lemon cheesecake.. mmmmmmmmmmmm. Then finally the kids left around 11:00 so we all went to catch the Azhar Usman show.. that guy is pretty funny! All in all a good night... got to hang out with Shabina finally, catch a few speeches, dessert... see some people I haven't seen in a long time.. made a difference in some kids' lives.. yeah right...