Friday, March 31, 2006

Recapture YM's Muslim Family in the Making Event!

The lectures that guest speakers presented at YM's Family event that took place on March 18th, 2006 are up on the YM site :)

Which means I can catch them too! And you can even hear our MC Aminah on them.. bet she didn't expect that.

Please feel free to listen in, and donate to help us continue this work! Jazakallahu khairun.

Honouring the Parents Sheikh Munir El-Kassem
Me, My Family & My Lord Sheikh Hamid Slimi
I'm No Angel Br.Jeewan Chanika
What a Woman and Man Need Sheikh Abdool Hamid
Our Precious Sprouts: Cherishing Our Kids Sr. Ambreen Syed

Enjoy & take notes :)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I'm gonna be in the Quiz Bowl!!


I'm gonna be in the MSA QUIZ BOWL this Friday @ UTM!!!

I'm actually REALLY excited about it... i love trivia and jeopardy and family feud type stuff... I used to love Trivial Pursuit. Insh'Allah I hope we win :) But even if we don't.. it should still be fun... right Farakh & Nazia!!

We're one of 3 girls' teams... should be interesting to see how it plays out.

Maybe I'll finally get over the biggest regret of my childhood -- not entering the Spelling Bee Championships... and I know I woulda kicked butt!! I still dream about it sometimes... being up there.. and winning... and the crowd chanting my name... haha... Don't act like you never dreamed of winning the Spelling Bee!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

"When the Wolves Become Shepherds"

As with most mornings, on the way to school with my bro's and Bhabi we listen to some sort of a lecture or to take a break, we listen to Zain Bhikha or some other Nasheeds... no 786 tho (bro's are a buncha haters!).

Lately, we've been listening to Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki's The Life of the Prophet Muhammad -- Makkan Period... he is an AMAZING speaker Mash'Allah... my favourite speaker in fact... but I think they finished it off the CD set last week so I'm gonna hafta catch up on it later.

So today, Sahar put on a lecture entitled When the Wolves Become Shepherds by Sh. Muhammad Al-Shareef. We started listening to it a coupla months back but never ended up finishing it, so she and I were talking bout it the other day.. about how it was such an inspiring and eye-opening lecture, well what we had heard of it... and so yeah, we're gonna finish it this time insh'Allah.

Basically, the lecture is about Shaytan's plot to lead humanity astray and ultimately land us in Hellfire. Plain and simple. Sh. Muhammad Al-Shareef outlines the ways that Shaytan tries to get to us, and he specifically breaks down Shaytan's plot into 7 levels, (however I was only able to catch the first 5):

(1) Shirk, Kufr (this is the HIGHEST level)

- where you have basically pledged allegiance to Shaytan and are amongst his allies.

(2) Bida'a (innovation)

- this level is tricky, because you may think that you are doing something halal or in the way of Allah, when really you are being led astray by Shaytan

- Bida'a is against the call of the messengers and is a call to a message different from the one conveyed by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Bid'ah is a gate to Kufr and Shirk.

- An example MAS used was: back in the day, people created idols, statues as a reminder of God, dhikr if you will. But with the death of that generation, the intention behind the creation of those idols became misguided and the idols began to be worshipped. Not something you want on your conscience.

(3) Major Sins

- acts like murder, zina (adultery), backbiting (Yup, it's a major sin), riba'a (interest), etc fall under this category

(4) Minor Sins

- These sins may ruin a person if they accumulate. That is why Rasulallah (SAW) said, "Be aware of the minor sins, because the simile of the minor sin is like the people who went to a desert. Then he (SAW) mentioned a Hadith the meaning of which is that every one of them brought a stick of wood until they had kindled a huge fire (just as the minor sins add up little by little until they become a major sin)."

- The person continues taking the matter of minor sins easily until he considers them inconsequential. Therefore, a person who commits major sins but fears their effect is in a better condition than he is.

(5) Occupation with permissible things

- here one does not gain reward or punishment. However, the punishment of this level is caused by passing the reward missed by being occupied with these deeds.

The other 2 levels I will write about when i hear the rest of the CD, insh'Allah.

Mash'Allah... what a great way to spend the morning. And allows us to re-evaluate our lives and become more conscious of Shaytan.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Question of the Week: Is it permissible for men to wear platinum?

Last week, a few of my friends and I were discussing upcoming weddings.. since a couple of our close friends are getting married soon.. and the topic of wedding rings for men came up. More specifically, if men are allowed to wear platinum rings (since it's not gold). The argument was that it's not specifically stated that platinum is not permissible.

So for those wondering, I was looking this up on and came across this:

"In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

For men, only silver rings are permissible. Women have been given the permission to wear gold and silver rings without doubt. However, rings made form other metals are not permissible. Also, it seems that rings made from other plastic substances will not be permissible for women, thus should be avoided.

And Allah knows best. "

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
Darul Iftaa, Leicester, UK

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

YM Family Dinner this Saturday, insh'Allah :)

This should be an amazing event, inshAllah... bring your family and friends. I am particularly excited about the Honouring Our Parents lecture... i think we can always use a refresher on the way we should treat our parents as opposed to the way we actually do. And food is always good. so should be no exception this time, inshAllah. And, I'm in charge of Registration... so come visit me!!!

If you need tix, you can contact myself or Sahar or the people listed on the flyer. Hope to see you all there :)

Friday, March 03, 2006

Have you been grateful?

I was reading this email my friend Aisha sent called "Peace Within" by Alia Ahmed, and I came across this:

"A significant factor that massively contributes towards acquiring a complacent soul is `Shukr' or `thankfulness' to God. `Shukr' is derieved from the root word, sh-k-r, and its literal meaning is `when a cow feeds on less fodder but gives more milk'. Conspicuously, it indicates how a believer should be. He should be grateful to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala under all circumstances. To attain inner peace we must look for abundance in our lives while minimizing the negatives. We must learn to develop a sense of gratitude within ourselves for all that we have been so lucky to be blessed with. Come to think of it, most of us have a great deal in our lives to make us blissfully content but unfortunately we lack the ability to acknowledge and appreciate it. Ungratefulness takes away tranquility from within our hearts."

Let's follow the example of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in whom we find nothing greater than his patience and gratitude. The reality is that life is a test and we are here to be tested. With sabr and shukr we will all get thru any calamity, inshAllah.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My new fave show...

is... The VJ Search on MuchMusic! It's actually pretty good... a reality show about the next new MM VJ... but they swear wayyyy too much!!

There's a gay guy... he's sooo funny... but the exact prototype of a gay guy with the lisp and the constant flailing of the arms... but very entertaining. They all suck in their own way.. but they're getting better. And the judges really are weeding out the worst ones.

The VJ Search comes on @ 8pm on Mondays (Citytv) & Tuesdays @ 7pm (MuchMusic) if you wanna check it out.

Reading Week's over :(

So Reading Week was pretty good... except that half way thru it I realized that i had 2 tests coming up right after it!! Not that i did much reading or anything... had a midterm today for Social Anthro.. it wasn't too bad and I think it did pretty well inshAllah :)

On a sad note, my cousin, Naeem Bhai & his wife, Gulnar Bhabi left on Monday to go back home :( Apparently a month was more than enough for them... my Dad wasn't too happy bout that, esp since he has a week off starting today. They caught the snowstorms and the good weather... a real "Canadian" winter... but yeah it was too cold for them. And we were all always in school or at work... what can you do, that's the way life is here. And i guess they missed their kids. We did all their shopping in the last 4 days!! It was chaos... from one mall to the next everyday!!... but I think we covered all the bases and got everything they needed. They loved the dollar stores and the grocery stores! Took tons of pictures... Bhabi got used to it... to me and Sahar taking pics every other second.. teehee. Come on... got preserve the memories.

So back to Reading Week...I had convinced my Naeem Bhai & Bhabi to stay atleast during Reading Week so we could spend some real time with them... so we ended up taking them out alot... ummm... took em shopping, to Gerrard (again)... OMG Chandni Chowk has revamped their place finally... it was getting pretty gross... and now it looks good again... a bit too 60's diner type... but their long-foot kababs (yes... not footlong!) are STILL the best anywhere. Took 'em to Niagara Falls again (yay)... but it was DAMN cold that day... even with gloves on. I worked a few days... mann reading week flew by! Ohh and i saw "The Notebook"... it was good... not as sappy as i thought it would be...but nothing spectacular.

Will continue later... Bhai is comin to pick me up... and gets MAD >:- when I'm late... hehe.