So we all finally went to the Jays/Yanks game last week, on Tuesday... $2 tix baby, but they were $15 seats!.. so pretty good seats. They won 10-5... yeahhh baby!

And I must say, it was the best game I've ever been to... partially because they won... but still it was a REALLY exciting game. The first inning, although we missed it... there were 3 homeruns... but the Jays made a huge comeback... they were down 4-0 in the 1st inning... came back to clobber em. Yeahhh.. I'm a big Jays fan...shuddap. But check it out Marria's wearing their colours!! And Shabina's matching the turf... haha
I really like their new logo... they revamped it yet again... 'modrenized' if you will. They're hat even looks decent... dare I say it.. this might be their year to win the Cup again!!... i mean the World Series.

ESM was fun... especially the bday stand up on the chair part ;) Priceless. But the ice cream should've been fed with out a spoon.. like they did to me at Pizza Hut in India.

We've gotta do it again y'all... maybe an earlier dinner next time... why'd u guys come so late... goshhhh... the game started at 7!! tee hee... and maybe a Tuesday again... but this time with Halladay pitching. AND this time we're gonna be part of the hugeeee Skydome wave!
next time it will be planned better! but still... we all had a wicked time so it's all good!
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