yep thats how Sarah talks to me...don't ask what a chaddi head is...
SarahUPDATE: she had some story including a sleepless night in which a power outage kept on reoccuring, all the while a "Laal Baig" (HUGE COCKROACHES) came out of nowhere when they (Sarah, Mom, Bhabbi, and 5 other cousins/nieces about Sarah's age) were having a 'girls night'....Keep in mind during this whole time the power kept coming and going at exactly the right moments for a classic suspense film.
There was PANIC,chappals, screaming and brooms involved...the roach was whacked all the while Sarah hops from one couch to the other across room basically crushing one of her nieces (dont worry she's like 20).
Then things got worse when a Chupkali (??? those small paki lizards) appeared and out came the brooms, except the wrong one was brought (power outage=darkness). The chupkali skampers behind the curtain, only to get whacked by the family's pest Hitman...Sophia.
Stay Tuned...Sarahs going to tha streets now...Aslam Road...Muhahahhahah!
AAA: I don't mean to press the PANIC button, but it appears we mismanaged our food situation... "3 Men, 14 days....not enough (frozen)yogurt containers of food...What will they EAT, who will cook.....The darama continues
Perhaps there more food in the other Freezer you say... nobody knows... cuz no one has checked!! Muhahahaha!
YM EVENTS: June 11 LDOD..check it out!
Full House: Back to the beginning: Hillarious (5PM on CTS)
1.) Michelle (as a baby) starts crying, so Uncle Jesse yells to her (while in the crib) "Hey! Shut Up!"....Hahahah...he makes me laugh..hahahah
2.) They (jesse and joey) change her diaper in kitchen with pots, water from the tap and Paper
3.) Finally, After Danny comes, he sees dirty baby clothes everywhere, Joey explains Michelle kept on spitting up, dirtying her diaper, etc. And Uncle Jesse says to Danny, "You Baby is a PIG"...HAAAAAhhhaaa..he cracks me up
OK thats is for now..gtg study for midterm next week..Peace