ConGRADulations Henna!

My dear old lovely, U.P. sista HENNA graduated! MashAllah :)
She had a little graduation party on Saturday... some good times and good food!! And was my first outing since coming back... definitely worth it. I wish you the best of luck in the future in your career. Woo hoo you never hafta go back to UTM... except to visit poor old Sarah.. which you'd better do! Next mission for Henna... find a man ;) Hahaha... a U.P. man... the real challenge. Love ya Henna!!
Thanks Sarah, u r the ultimate sweetie pie! It was good to see you last week and I will send you pics shortly. Newayz, i heard UP's are going for Punjabi's lately, so its something i might have to look into. ;)
P.S. Enjoy the "backwass" of utm while you can, in the working world they talk about adult stuff!
I'm Punjabi.
- Anonymous Punjabi
Haha... I think there is a proposal for ya Henna!
Don't be so anonymous now Punjabi Anonymous
Before the rumour mill starts, that was a joke! I was referring to how Ahmer Bhai & Sahar are starting a new trend, inshallah, UP's and Punjabi's. Good combo! :)
Newayz, its the weekend! Yipee!
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