My weekend was pretty crazy... i always say that don't i tho?
Anyways... hafta say the Qiyaam on Friday/Saturday was a LOT of fun! My first Qiyaam... and they were right bout the not sleeping part... although i was like the ONLY one who didnt sleep all night... I was busy taking pictures of them all sleeping and drooling... it was soooo funny...everyone looks hilarious when they are sleeping. I think I got everyone except for Shabina... who freaked out in her state of semi-consciousness and pulled the blanket over her and Marria got scared that she would could come and beat us up... so we left her alone the rest of the night. I wonder if they even have any idea that i have whack pics of them... haha... i guess they are gonna hafta mysteriously show up at wedding slideshows...
I slept after Fajr for like an hour (I made sure not to tell anyone bout the 'sleeping' pictures in case they decided to get and then Naila woke me up @ 7.. grrrr.. for her little presentation with all the lil kids... where I won a chocolate bar... yayy!
Oh yeah there was a scary incident at like 2 am... the outside door was open and there was a huge boulder keeping it open and all of the girls were upstairs and all the guys had been sleeping for like hours... so we woke up Hassan and made him check it out.. because the 3 of us were too scared to go check plus we didnt wanna lock someone out.. it was a pretty cold night... poor Hassan had to go check it out...
Then i got home around noon on Saturday... tried to stay awake and keep my mom company...after getting punked for not spending time with her lately.... couldn't do it... all i remember is her telling me to stop snoring and get outta her room.... so then i finally got a few hours of sleep. Then no one woke me up until 3:00... and man i really needed to shower... and we had to head out to a huge iftaar at bout 4:00.. i dunno how i managed to shower and look decent in an hour.. but i did it!
Iftaar was at Farah's parents' to see my Farhi... haven't seen her since like late September... and another family friend of mine, Naureen aka Noni who was down from Virginia ...mash'Allah she looked amazing... 6 months pregnant and all... can't believe it still... I grew up with these girls and now they are all married and all... it's still hard to believe sometimes! And both younger than me too!! It's always fun getting together with childhood buddies... wish we could get together more often.
Finally saw Farah's wedding video and the wedding pics... once i figure out how to put up pics on here i will put up some of the wedding pics. The speeches at her wedding were amazing... but then again Farah is such an amazing person mash'Allah!! Her brothers' speech was prob the best speech I've ever heard... jus watching all of the speeches again... I was brought to tears again... and then they were laughing at me... I hope my bro's give speeches that make me cry at my wedding!! They'd better.. or I'll make them cry instead...
... yeah.. slept thru Suhoor and Fajr... caught up on some well needed sleep... woke up around noon. Was feeling really lazy... but finally rolled outta bed. Had to be at Soundvision by 1:30... a couple of us were heading downtown for this thing called "Feeding the Streets", where we were gonna hand out some sandwiches and water to the less fortunate. Alhumdalillah I think it went pretty well. Although, the day started off a lil shaky... and we got there a bit later than we had anticipated... so anyways, we all split up in our groups and so me and Juwariah were heading down Jarvis St... and then we turned around to look for the other people in our group and we noticed this guy on the ground and a few people surrounding him. Turned out that the guy had gone into diabetic shock... so then me and Sahar ran to the convenience store across the street... and we couldn't believe it... on the door was a sign reading: be back in 1 minute. Of all of the minutes in all of the days, the guy had to step away for that particular minute?!!? So then we ran down to Rabba's and I dunno why we told the guy bout the guy who had gone into shock... but anyways so we grabbed some OJ and a mars bar.. and ran back. The funniest thing happend while we were running back... this guy (I presume was homeless) was cheering us on.. he was RUN! RUN! Faster! and we couldn't help but laugh... which slowed us down like 3 seconds. Anyways, by the way we finally made it back... they didn't need it anymore... bc other people had passed by in that time we were gone and they had had smarties and juice... and they had decided to wait for the Ambulance to come anyways. So, some lucky people got a mars bar and some Orange juice. Our plan of heading to Nathan Phillips Square didn't work out... we ran outta food by Asr... but I think it went well. Weather wasn't too bad either. Me and my bro decided we'd come home for Iftar (because Ammi called and wanted us to come home for Iftar).. we didn't make it... we got home at like 6.. to some cold pakoras... but no complaints... alhum we have a home to come home to... food everyday... I hope this experience stays with me.
And that concludes my weekend... and so begins another week...