Friday, November 26, 2004

Been a rough morning!

You know when you're trying to catch up on a week's worth of sleep... and so you want to sleep well into the day... yeah that was what i was hoping for today. Been up late and getting up early all week... and no one was home today so I thought it'd be perfect...

...And it was until 9:00 am... when my Uncle started calling and calling... his first call, I went to check to see who it was... i got up all disoriented and without my glasses.. when i saw that it was him i went back to bed... my Dad wasn't home I figured he'd get the point that no one was home. NO... that didn't happen!! And he didn't just call back once or twice.... he called back 5 times!!! Every other freakin minute...

Eventually I fell asleep again... but u know it's just not the same tranquility as before... and then later i was making lunch for my parents... and i slightly burned my finger... in the toaster oven. Yeahhhh it's possible! And GH is not on today... the one day I can watch it... and it's not on because of stupid Thanksgiving.


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