Wedding Season #3: 2 more weddings to go
Ever since Anu's Mehndi.. I am back into the Shadi songs spirit... there is this one song from Pardes that I am especially in love with right now. It's called... "Do Dil mil rahay hain"... it's soooo sweet.... and no I'm not a ref... besides I didn't even know what movie it was from.. I sang it to Shazia and she recognized it

Anyways, so his wedding was on Friday @ Woodbine... I realized that it's literally impossible to be late for a paki wedding... we got there at 8:00 (even though we were supposed to be there for 7:00) .. my fault, I was doing my hair (tee hee)... and yet we managed to get there right in time for the arrival of the baraat...and appetizers.. double woo hoo!
Anu looked amazing! I've known this guy for like a good 10 years... and he has never worn shalwar kameez in his life.. until his mehndi... but at the wedding... he had the most stylin' Sherwani ever... it almost looked like a tux!! I think I got a coupla shots of them at the wedding.. I'll put some pics up later. I finally met the infamous Nadia... his wife... she's such a sweetheart. Her outfit was.... different... i guess non-traditional would be the word... but I like the traditional stuff so I didn't like the outfit that much.... BUT her jewellery was gorgeous... it wasn't gold.. just lottsa rubies!! After the Nikah, when they do the rasms... Anu did the cuuuutest thing... you know that rasm where the guy and girl are both under the dupatta or whatever and they get to see each other (after the nikah) for the first time in the mirror... he gave her this cute little wave... I guess it was even cuter because it wasn't characteristic of him. Like even when he used to talk bout her or when people would congratulate him about the engagement.. he would get all shy.
Okay I gotta run.. class in 8 minutes.. will update later.
Sarah's attempt to serenade me with that song didn't work because I kept picturing Shah Rukh Khan singing it. Don't worry at least you tried :P And yes, I did recognize the song...what can I say, Sarah you bring out the ref in me! ;)
You don't see the "muu dikhaai" done that much at weddings hear aunties grumble about how its pointless now since the guy and girl know each other and see each other from before haha, but its still a cute rasam!
I knowwww... i think its really cute too.. bc its done after the nikah and so they are seeing each other for the first time after they're officially married..I am sooo gonna have at my wedding...'s better than some of the other rasms they do these days
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