YM Family Dinner this Saturday, insh'Allah :)

This should be an amazing event, inshAllah... bring your family and friends. I am particularly excited about the Honouring Our Parents lecture... i think we can always use a refresher on the way we should treat our parents as opposed to the way we actually do. And food is always good. so should be no exception this time, inshAllah. And, I'm in charge of Registration... so come visit me!!!
If you need tix, you can contact myself or Sahar or the people listed on the flyer. Hope to see you all there :)
For those who weren't enticed by the flyer (you should be!)... I'd like to announce that I will be there Insha'Allah helping with Registration!!
***Disclaimer: This is a YM Family Event, so we ask everyone to adhere to Islamic Etiquettes...you know what I mean...(this especially means you Baaji!!)
Oh shut your face... we all know whose gonna try to be Sister's Greeter... and ur gonna hafta fight it out with Nadia.
Oh yeah Azfar u hafta go to the meeting tomorrow in my place. ok byeeee..
Awwwww...I can just feel the love....so cute :p
The Dinner was amazing, Alhamdalillah!! We sold out completely, which we were not expecting due to the Al-Maghrib courses & I-Slam...
The speakers were all just so profound and inspiring. I hope that everyone that attended learned a lot and enjoyed the Dinner, insh'Allah. I wish I had been able to catch more lectures, but I had to take care of Registration.. which was nonstop craziness I might add.
Jazakallahu Khairan to all that attended and visited ME at the Reg Table :)
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