Friday, March 03, 2006

Have you been grateful?

I was reading this email my friend Aisha sent called "Peace Within" by Alia Ahmed, and I came across this:

"A significant factor that massively contributes towards acquiring a complacent soul is `Shukr' or `thankfulness' to God. `Shukr' is derieved from the root word, sh-k-r, and its literal meaning is `when a cow feeds on less fodder but gives more milk'. Conspicuously, it indicates how a believer should be. He should be grateful to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala under all circumstances. To attain inner peace we must look for abundance in our lives while minimizing the negatives. We must learn to develop a sense of gratitude within ourselves for all that we have been so lucky to be blessed with. Come to think of it, most of us have a great deal in our lives to make us blissfully content but unfortunately we lack the ability to acknowledge and appreciate it. Ungratefulness takes away tranquility from within our hearts."

Let's follow the example of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in whom we find nothing greater than his patience and gratitude. The reality is that life is a test and we are here to be tested. With sabr and shukr we will all get thru any calamity, inshAllah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great entry! Its always good to be reminded of this topic. :)

March 05, 2006 1:53 AM  

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