Ramadan is a blessed month in which we learn discipline, not just in terms of controlling when we eat, but in ALL aspects of our life. Unfortunately, for some, it just becomes a ritual of not eating between sunrise and sunset, with little reflection of the real purpose of Ramadan. Allah does not need our hunger, so we should really try to make improvements during Ramadan and try to become closer to Allah through our actions, and this requires a conscious effort from our part.
Here is a Checklist I found online... it's really amazing.. and insh'Allah has the potential to keep us striving to improve ourselves and attain Allah's pleasure!
Ramadan Checklist1. Did you complete ALL 5 prayers today?
2. When you prayed, did you pray from the heart and truly feel that you were standing before your creator?
(Praying in a hurry so you don't miss your TV show, or aren't late for a meeting with someone does NOT count!)
Did you read Quran today? after Fajr salaah?
(even if you Read one page of the Quran that is still good because the Angels are changing their shifts during that time and there is alot of blessings if you are in a state of ibadah when the first shift is leaving and when the next shift arrives. Also, keep in mind that
Ramadan is the
month of the Qur'an).
4. Did you remember Allah?
(Dhikr, the best way is to recite Tasbih, recite the 99 names of Allah, read dua's, durood, etc..)
5. Did you reflect on all the blessings that you have, and thank Allah for it?
6. Did you give any charity (sadaqa)?
(one may not be able to do this EVERYday, but we should try to do it as often as possible, especially since the reward for it is even greater during Ramadan)
7. Did you help your parents with ANYthing?
8. Did you upset/hurt anyone?
9. Upon realization of that you made a mistake, did you then seek forgiveness for it?
10. Did you argue with anyone today?
11. Did you forgive anyone's mistakes today?
12. If you felt envy today, did you make dua to Allah to protect you from such feelings?
13. Did you backbite?
14. Did you lie today (even the smallest of lies) ?
15. Did you falsely blame anyone for anything?
16. Did you get angry at anyone ?
17. Did you waste ANY time?
18. Did you participate in useless, idle talk ?
19. Did you gluttonously prepare food for suhoor and iftar?
(its best to keep things simple...not prepare soo much food, and extremely lavish foods as if its going to be the last time you will ever eat)
20. Did you say salaam FIRST to anyone, or go out of your way to say salaam to anyone?
(There is greater reward for saying salam first, than just returning someones salaam)
21. Did you smile often today?
(smiling is a form of charity, so if you don't have money to give, then SMILE as often as possible, and that will be your Sadaqa for the day....see # 6)
22. Did you teach something new to another person today?
(It is NOT enough to just learn something new about Islam, like a dua, or hadith......but one must TEACH it to others as well)
23. Did you ask for forgiveness today, seek Allah's mercy?
Insh'Allah, by the end of Ramadan you will have more check marks than 'x' marked for each item.