MuslimFest was amazing!!!!

For all of you who missed it... sucks to be you!! :P Unless, you were studying for exams or some family thing was takin place that day... then it's okay... BUT, it was such an amazing day Alhumdalillah!! Met so many people (new and old), finally put faces with names, made hundreds of calls and shopping trips (for the purcolator!!). I must say MuslimFest has been the biggest highlight of my summer. I can't wait until next year!
So yeah, it was a longggggggggg, crazy, exciting day! I went to sleep the night before at 2:30 (came back from Aisha's wedding around 12:30); had a lot of last minute things to take care of. I put my alarm on for 5 am.. but stupid me SLEPT thru it... but thank god for the alarm I put on my phone to call Madihah @ 6.. so yeah not a great start to the morning :S. But we got to LAC by 7:30 so it was all good. I was crazy hungry tho.. no time for breakfast :(
Spent the rest of the day running around from the volunteer Room to Indoor to Green Room... cuz yo we got backstage passes! But was definitely no picnic, so many last minute issues came up during the day which jus added to the stress.. but what can ya do.
So anywho, we met all the performers, Irfan Makki (he brought his wifey), 786, Dawud Wharnsby, Native Deen, Azeem and Preacher Moss! They were all sooooo nice & down to earth Mash'Allah... we were so surprised. I didn't think they would even come out of their dressing rooms (which smelled crazy funky, we had to go in & spray some of my fruity spray so they smelled decent)... but they were all pretty friendly and chillin! And soooo appreciative... didn't want us to go out of our way to get them anything. I think we overfed them... haha... we had wayyy too much leftovers.
We caught a bit of the first concert backstage... WOW.. they were all so amazing that me and Roohi decided to check out the show from the audience in the evening. I'm soooo glad we did, it was a complete and utter unbelievable experience!Unfortunately, Zain Bhikha wasn't able to make it :( his son had become very ill but he had sent a message via satellite; Insh'allah hope he comes soon!!! I must say, I never really gave 786 much credit before but actually seeing them perform live and acapella made me realize these guys are truly talented, Mash'Allah! Their new album drops September 3rd 2005!
786... Shahaab, Zafar, Saeed, Saad & Omar
Irfan Makki sang a coupla new and urdu influenced nasheeds... I really liked the naath one and "Waiting for the Call"; he's got some killer urdu skills! Native Deen (formerly MYNA Raps) totally blew the crowd away... these guys were the best performers of the day; they got the entire audience involved and def made fans out of me and Roohinder!
Native Deen... Abdul-Malik, Naeem, Joshua & Drummer guy (he did some good drumstick moves!)
DWA and the Fletcher Valve Band were so energetic and exciting to watch and hear... hey guys rem that guy (with the long hair and beard) who was saying Takbir.. he's Muslim (subhan'Allah)!!
Ended up selling my comedy show tix to my Farah... so then we jus went backstage to catch the show... but couldn't hear so well back there. But for the most part, it was pretty funny :) The Clean up wasn't so funnn.. but we had a coupla superstar helpers help us out ... haha... thanks guys!
All in all, a truly AMAZING day where we learned a lot about what we're made of... enjoyed every minute of it and will never forget it!
I totally agree! It was an amazing event! Really tired day but was well worth the effort! Can't wait for next year insh!!
Next week, I'm back on the set, gotta help with the filming of the new Adam's World DVD. I'm gonna ty my best to be a puppet!!
Where was my backstage pass!?!?!
I worked my fingers to the bone for you people!!
A brotha working for food...ppl thought i was upto something..
so next year..backstage pass..hook a brotha up!!! (like your own)
Can you invite Kaysar from BB6 next year?!?
Sarah! MFest was awesome! I had so much fun with you and Madihah! Sure we got super tired just half way through the day and by the end we could barely move with sore feet, but it was all worth it! Lets do it again next year Insh'Allah ok?! :)
I KNOWW!!! We were the best backstage people ... we made them feel so welcome that they're coming back in a few weeks :) insh'Allah... Maddy come on ditch the wedding and come with me and Roohi! You KNOW u wanna come. It won't be same without #2 yo! Although, I think we can manage to have fun still without you :P
Oh Wowww... a puppet on Adam's World! That sounds so cool... what if they make u do a female puppet's voice.. wouldn't that be funnY?
Hey, are you guys goin to the MFest Picnic on Sunday? I wanna.. but i don't wanna go alone :)
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