MuslimFest 2005 is TOMORROW!!!!!

It's FINALLY here! I am sooooo excited... a bit tired at this moment... haven't slept much the last few nights.. but whatever... it all comes down to tomorrow!!!
All the crazy lonnggg meetings at Madihaha's & Roohi's.. all the pizza & chicken wings...all the shopping trips.. making and remaking lists... scheduling and rescheduling... I think I'm gonna miss it. I love being involved in such an amazing event... I hope you guys can all come and check it out.
Admission to the Bazaar, Art Exhibit itself is FREE!
Puppet Show $9.99 @ 11:00 am
Sounds of Islam Concert (Zain Bhikha, Dawud Wharnsby, Native Deen, Irfan Makki, 786) @ 2pm & 6pm $19.99
"Allah Made Me Funny" Comedy Tour (Preacher Moss, Azhar Usman, Azeem) $9.99 @ 9:00 pm
I'll be there bright and early! If you're around OR if i have some tix for you... gimme a ring! Hope to see you all there, Insh'Allah!!!
Assalaamu Alaikum :D
aww man ... i won't be able to make it! :(
have a great time tho!
The comedy show was hilarious! Did u manage to check it out? U seemed pretty busy at the food stall...
yet another year of MuslimFest and yet another year that I missed it because of work! Hope everything worked out well, I heard good things about the event :)
hahaaaa.... Fiowwwwww
I didn't even get my Samosa!!
Awwwwwwwwwww.... I am soooo sorry!!! Dude, it was crazy hectic... and i know u were pretty busy there all day long too... so sorrrrry!
comedy show was funny but i think i'm funnier teehee
i thought the comedy show was... 'ok'... azhar usman was dissapointing... his attempt at improv failed miserably! rasool somji was as repetitive as ever... recycled 100% of his 3 jokes from yuk yuks... azeem and preacher moss totally made up for it tho... those dudes are frikin' hilarious!all in all, a great event... can't complain for $9.99 (not $10). Btw sarah, where's my penny yo?!?!
i think 786 is HOT!
tee hee
is rasool somji the guy who was on stage for like 2/3 minutes? somewhat scrawny, for lack of a better word. i think he could be better if he worked on his delivery a little more...other guys were pretty good.
sarah, i will pick up my umbrella from you sometime, inshallah. :)
actually I owe u and Saif 1.5 pennies each... from Fawad's $10... hhhhhmmm.. i think i will hafta pay it to u guys in yearly increments (is that right word.. it so is!) yeahhh it sucked that Azhar Usman recycled his stuff.. sorry guys.. I was really hoping he would've changed things up.
Yeah...the parties...I mean...'meetings' were so much fun! Lets have more 'meetings' ok? :)
:S are these your friends sarah?
no "meetings" for you Roohi! I'm telling your mom on about i go to the meetings and report back what happened? ;)
Cocoberry's baby!! I think Saturday or Sunday is the plan... lets have brunch... it closes really early.
How did u get backstage Asim... u 786 stalker!!
Yup I love 786 they're pretty hott!!
I got to sneak in shhhh don't say anything ;)
I knew that text message was actually sent by you!!!! About the .. you know what.. with the 786 guys!! Nadu will be sad ... esp after all the fateful incidents on the NYC trip!! The fitna causing jus never ends with you, huh?
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