Congratulations Nadia & Nabil!!!
Went to a Walimah reception last night for my friend, Nadia!! Ofcourse, even tho the reception was set to begin @ 7 ... I got there @ 9... ya know prepared for paki standard time... BUT this time, for like the 1st time in history... people were on time! Maybe, because it was a Bengali wedding. Had such a good time! Nadia looked gorgeous as always, Mash'Allah! Finally met the man himself... such a sweet guy Mash'Allah. May Allah always keep them happy together. Ameen.
Food was really good. Sameera had butter chicken for the FIRST time in her life. It was growing experience for all of us. There was this chocolate fountain... Samana fell in love with it and vowed to have one at her wedding :) Bengalis know how to party!

Nabil and Nadia.. the happy couple! I loved how they were so coordinated...

Nadia and me... in orange.. my new fave colour!
Congratulations Nadia!!! (Though I know there's not really a chance you'll read this...). She and her new hubby look amazing in those pics (Nadia is the amazinger one of course :P). Wish them both lots of love and happiness in the many years to come inshAllah!
So Aren't you gonna post some pics from Asif's walima? I can't believe you couldnt evey say a Salaams! :P
Yeahhh I shall.. jus need to upload them. And.. you coulda come and said Salaam too!! I think i got you in one pic.. ur laughin ur head off lol.
Really? I got to see that one! I was going too, but what if you werent who I thought you were?! I wish I had, insh at Muslimfest we will meet for sure!!!
I'll be the one chasing down volunteers to go and get their food! :) hey ur gonna be at the Soundvision table right? Save me a Raihan CD :D
Ohhhh can't wait for your wedding Deeja! I will devote an entire blog to your wedding festivities ;)
Yup, Ill be there! Madihah will also be at the food fair too right? I'll save u the cd for sure!! Only if you save me a samosa!
My wedding?? how did that come up? Have you been talking to my mom...?! Well, I still feel very honoured that you'd devote so much blog space to little old me :) Just don't talk to my mom...she'll put more ideas in your head lol
(love you mommy!!!)
Sarah, are you talking to boys again ! Astaghfirullah!
don't worry, I don't have to question you. Your creator will do it one day.
We are from him, and to him we all return. :-)
Uh oh, I think I got u in trouble!
Shuddap Ahmer! Don't make me tell the world about ur convo with ur wife to be... yeah she ain't ur wife yet!
How rude! How dare you confuse me with a boy! And then tell me to shaddup!
I ought to tell Ahmer's wife...ahem ..wife to be on you!
and wat's that story you talkin about...sounds interesting!
Hahaha... ouch sorry Miss Anon... it sounded like him. Dry, u sound like Ahmer!
Since it's not him.. i guess i can't leak it out..
AHHHHHHHHH can't you tell the butter chicken was so awesome that I got it all over my hijab! awhhhhhhhhhhhh man and that stain isn't comin' off! ahhhhhhh thats desi food for ya!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH SARAAAH! YOU JUST HAD TO PUT THE MOST WORSE PIX UP! u look so beautiful mashallah and my face looks soo funny! i had no idea you had written a blog about my wedding until Samz told me jsut like 5 mins ago- Jazaak Allah i feel so honoured!....and yes orange does look stunning on u
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