The 1st Annual Ali-Rana BBQ :)
We went down to Wasaga Beach on Saturday with my bro's fiancee's family. Dude, we had sooo much fun! The weather was perfect, the beach wasn't too overcrowded, the water was pretty clean, food was great, tons of pics taken.. all in all, we all had a great time. Insh'Allah many more years of these outings with them. It was like we were out with family, which they are about to come inshAllah.. so it was cool.. especially, since we really don't have much family around here. And, good news, Sahar showed up... ditched work and came. Well, actually she texts me in the morning around 10 when they were supposed to be arriving to our place, and says that she called in sick she wasn't feeling well... so I texted her back asking.. well more like telling her to come.. and she's such a punk, she says she's gonna stay home and "rest"! But anywho, she ended up coming so Yay!

Sahar and her little sis, Anisa on the drive down to Wasaga

Me and Anisa.. on the drive over! Dude, it was such a scenic route we took, we saw sooo many cows and horses.. actually Sahar saw this one white cow with black spots on its butt... only Sahar would notice such things... haha.

Miss Anisa.. soakin' up the sun.

Me, Anisa and Naila... playin' in the water. As it turns out, we're just as immature in the water as the kids. We all got drenched... praying was a mission and a half. Anisa got a little cold afterwards... and the sand was soo hot!

All the men around the BBQ... the guys all pretending to help when Uncle and Papa did everything.. lol.
Sarah, I hope you don't know anyone from my, or else I'd be kinda screwed.
oh well I quit anyway, so who cares!
hey, I'd call in sick anyday for a Rana-Ali bbq
Don't even... it's the Ali-Rana BBQ!!! :P .. s'all good! How's Aneesa doin? I hope she's doin better... and jus for the record she was coughing before she got in the water..
I seriously did not call it Rana-Ali instead of Ali-Rana lol....Freudian slip!
Exactly, everyone thinks we made Anisa (not Aneesah) sick, but she was sick since the past few days so whatever!
I keep messing up her name!! Anisa it is... so when are u officially done with that job man... gimme a call i wanna discuss wedding stuff. ONLY 3 months to go.. ahhh!
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