Light Rhythms: "Expressions of the Heart" on Saturday, September 10, 2005

Should be an awesome event insh'Allah! 786 will be awesome as always...and they'll have their NEW album out by then... so they'll be singing their NEW stuff (can't wait to hear nasheed medley 2)!! and I've heard a few of Shaam's nasheed... pretty melodious. Sahar really likes their stuff! Aa'shiq-al-Rasul... I have only heard one of their nasheeds from Bismillah (Yusuf Islam's CD -- Asma' ul-Husna) was a pretty nice and rhythmic but LONG nasheed (about 11 minutes long)!!
1,2,3 be there ;) You know who u are! Insh'Allah hope to see y'all there.. should be a good show! :) And if you need tix, lemme know... actually I still need to get tix too... ticket prices range between $15-35.
BUT MuslimFest's still better baby!!! ;)

I'll be there Insh'Allah!!! :)
Yooo man... we speak english (and urdu sometimes) on here.. u can't jus come in and throw some Bengali in the mix!
Anybody know Bengali??
I know what it means... and my answer is... Fish.. or as u indo-paks call it.. machli
Maddy, I didn't know that fish was THAT huge a part of your life... but then again, comes with the territory :P
Guy why are u strugglin so much!!!
Yeah... translate it...AND answer ur own question while ur at it..
RUDE!! What'd I ever do to you :(
I think Madihah is hating on the urdu speakers after what happened in the car on Monday :p
Please do share what happend in the car...
Hahah! It was so funny. Madihah's mom and Sahar's aunt started talking in urdu and they were pretty funny, talking about marriage and stuff, and the only person who didn't know what they were talking about in the car was Madihah, so Sahar and I were totally laughing at her! Hahah! And Madihah knew they were talking about her, so it made her even more curious....poor Madihahahahah! I love you!!! :)
LOL.... pooor Maddy! Next time we all hang out.. we should speak in urdu too!! Then she won't know what we're saying... muhaha!
Have fun on ur "boating" trip this weekend :)!! And I soo hope u found that camera so u can take all those crazy pics.. i esp wanna see u drenched and laughin like a madwoman (as u normally do :P)
I know what "tumi konta ke biya korba?" means!!!! :p
haha me too!!
So whose goin to this concert? We gotta get tix soon... Maddy what's the plan... i know Roohi's goin already... Sahar?? Marria?? Shazia??
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