The Weekend......
Must admit I had a pretty eventful weekend... started off at Wonderland and ended in Niagara Falls.
Saturday... me, Marria, Shabina & Nilofer headed down to Wonderland... but first we made a pitstop at Timmie's for some breakfast. It was packed.. and people kept looking at us.. bunch of hijabis and me.. well I guess it didn't help that we were loud and talkin about London. After our breakfast of chocolate danishes and coffee, we headed outta Brampton to the sound of Shabina's hindi movie soundtracks... we fit right into the Brampton scene... but I really liked the songs from Barsaat (I think) they're all shadi type songs; I think I'm gonna do a dance for my bro's mehndi to one of those songs. Anyways, so we finally get there around noon and park and we realize that it's crazy hot... me & Marria shouldn't have worn black. Actually me and her were dressed almost identically - black kurta shirts and dark jeans... I can't wait to see the pictures. The lineups were pretty decent considering there were so many people. The weather was really bad tho.. we were sweating buckets... and it was only noon. We hit Dragon Fyre first... the first drop is always the worst.. and I think i kept my eyes closed the whole time... didn't want my contacts flying out. We hit all of the wooden coasters... and they are definitely the worst.. I swear I thought i was gonna fall off on Wild Beast! First off the wooden ones make the scariest creaking noises on top of being shaky. I even banged my head on someone's shoulder... lol.. so embarassing. I couldn't bring myself to put my hands in the air... But I think Marria was def the funniest... looked like she got electrocuted. And then there was Shabina who was cursing for one minute straight on one ride after she banged her shoulder on something. Nilo's hijab didn't whip anyone this time.. good one! Drop Zone messed up my balance I kept walking into Nilofer.. lol. The SpongeBob 3D show was pretty good.. esp after the chuppal fiasco.. Marria and Nilofer got punked by the guy for taking their chuppals off. Then it started raining while we were on Mighty Cdn MineBuster.. and my hair went crazy frizzy and all over the place... I looked like cousin It from Addams Family :S I managed to avoid the Bat... dude that just looks too scary for me..come on it goes backwards and they wanted to go on it at night!
Then it was Raihan Concert Time! Raihan were jus simply amazing... especially when we were sitting in the 2nd row :) They're the only reason I know Malay... and Mash'Allah such humble and down-to-earth guys.. everyone had nothing but amazing things to say about them. From Syukur to Ta'ala Badru Alayna to Allahu Allah.. they had the crowd excited and cheering. And when they had the kids up on stage... the crowd was probably at its loudest.. The Grand Finale was Thank You Allah.. the crowd was on their feet. Such a great show, Mash'Allah! No wonder they are the world's best selling Nasheed Group. But they didn't play my fave nasheed: Iman Mutiara. Sarah sad.
Definitely, one of the best days of the summer.. thanks guys! Next time we do the funnel cake and slushies.
Sunday... we took our Uncle, Aunty and cousins down to the Welland "boring as hell" Canal and Niagara Falls: the ultimate Newcomer's Canadian experience. It was def a nice break from all the heat. We took a lot of pictures... once i figure out how to upload pics from the digicam will put some up. It was actually more fun than I thought it would be, considering I've been there a million times. We hit Clifton Hill after dinner.. me and Ammi made cholay at 12am after I came back on Sat night.. it was sooo good I must say. We checked out some of the funhouses down there.. and the midway. The night ended with a wicked fireworks show... it kinda made me reflect on life...

Me, my Ammi and bro @ the welland canal.. btw those aren't Ammi's sunglasses!
FULL HOUSE: one of the best episodes of FH! Little 2-yr old Michelle made her first li'l friend, Howie from Nebraska. When it was time for him to leave, they hugged and wouldn't let go of each others hands. Danny had to break it up. After he left, she goes "Howie no go, Howie no bye bye"... i swear it broke my heart... that is the best acting EVER by a 2-yr-old. Michelle is my hero. And then she moped around all day and clung to Uncle Jesse's leg, until he sang her a song called "Michelle's smiling", then she smiled and said "Yeah" and just when he thought she was over Howie, she said, "Howieee!" Then Becky brought Michelle a surprise.. a video of Howie and she watched it over and over again. Michelle's first heartbreak.
hi sarah! i like your post about wonderland..but i feel you did not talk enough about how you switched spots and ditched me..that hurt my feelings you know? i demand an apology..what would possibily motivate you to switch spots and sit with someone else other than me? by the way, i like shabina and her gujrati salan drenched hijab
-loev marira
Hahaha... that is sooo not Marria! She was the one with the fan club wanting to sit with her. And Shabina can't help she's gujju.. ya know atleast she isn't hydro!
or white tamil... hehe
i like white tamils. they cool.. did i mention that i make wudu with haleem?
hello sarah this your refugee friend asim, i vanted to say had lots of fun too at the vonderland! and that i really dont smell like daal i doo hop u beliebe me i sorry
Salaams Sarah!
yes i did have lots of fun on sat and i was very honoured that everyone of you guys wanted to all sit with me on the ride!! that was jokes!! and NO the weird msgs you get on your blog isn't me!! jus blame it on the white tamil!
Also, if i may add, i like your left toe sarah.
oh my God! Who kicked Ahmer down the stairs?
Who else would... but me!
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