Tribute to Auspar
Azfar is officially a part of the working world... awwwww mah l'il baby is all grown up! His first real job... i think he makes coffee for the office.. haha... no I really don't know what he does... all i know is that he is working at an accounting company... trying to get some experience in the field. I think he is in charge of the calculators... GO AUSPAR!! The youngest kids are always the most spoiled man, I was working in High School... he's half way thru University... ahh its all good.. he had us to spoil him cuz he's our lil baby! Which is why I have decided to do this tribute for him :)

This is the CUTEST picture of him EVER! I think he was about 18 months old... him and his adorable curls and chubby cheeks... now he was a heldy kid, MashAllah! It was his very first time in the water so he was testing the waters in Pakistan... he was a big scaredy cat.

This is Ammi, Azfar, me and Papa at his 2nd birthday party. We still don't know why he is wearing a Daffy Duck party hat.. haha. There's my other bro, in the Spiderman hat. I love Azfar's sherwani.. always the most stylin' kid!

Opening presents at Azfar's bday party. You're the cutest kid EVER, Auspar! Why'd u hafta grow up... next thing u know, you'll be getting married...
Lol...Sarah guy, those are the cutest pics ever!!! I think every paki kid had a "bling-blingin" golden sharwani back in the day haha! Anyhoos, my congrats to ur brother on the new job!!
Really?! I thought he was the only kid with sherwani like that... i guess i should stop makin fun of him then. And now Mr. Accountant is too 'tired' to do anything around the house. NO FAIR! Now there are 2 lazy guys around the house. And I work too.. but no sympathy for me. BUT I get to watch Full House sometimes.. he doesn't! So sad...
I was just reading the 1 comment posted here, but when I clicked on the link there were two comments. This has led me to believe that I am not alone on this blog ...
- Anonymously scared
dont call me mista phat pharamacy
and I do work...who made chai tuna fish yesterday and plus i have to take 3 buses home and walk for 5 mins uphill!!
u hav trouble walking period!! dis up!! oh no now I'se "goin get the beats"
Atleast I get PAID!!! In ur face Auspar! And the only reason u did work was because I was AT WORK.. and what is chai tuna fish? I thought u couldn't eat fish and milk together? WOWWW u walked home from the bus stop ONE day.. yippee doo dahh day!
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