Sudoku anyone?

What is Sudoku, you ask? It's a puzzle.
The object is to fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
That's all there is to it.
There's no math involved.
The grid has numbers, but nothing has to add up to anything else.
You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.. that is IF u have it.
And oh yeah, every puzzle has just ONE correct solution.
My bro actually got me started on these, the first one i tried took me about half an hour... so don't worry if it takes u a while to figure out. And now I'm hooked... it lets my brain juices flow ya know. There's a daily puzzle in the Toronto Star or you can check out The Daily SuDoku.
Are you supposed to start bleeding from your temple after doing this for 10 minutes? :-S
i don't think i am capable of doing these kinds of tests just looking at it makes my head bleed... i guess that explains why i was always known as the kid on the short yellow bus who was in 'special' classes
Yo I found this one hard... so i did the easier one in the Star :D
Rehan figured it out!! And it was his first one too... lemme know how the extra-hard one goes.. haha.
Kashif's hooked too!
I have a sudoku site that I think you and your friends might like.
There are some tough puzzles on there and I post new ones every day.
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