My hunnypie, Hina is officially married! Alhumdalillah...the wedding and wedding reception were both incredibly beautiful and elegant.. I am so fortunate to have been a part of both of them. Hina looked super-gorgeous as ever in rusty orange... when I saw her before the wedding, at her house.. my jaw just dropped.. as I'm sure Arsalan's (her hubby) did. (Her mehndi came out super dark... haha and we made Punita put his name on her hands somewhere... so romantic.) She looked so breathtaking, MashAllah... and they matched perfectly. I really loved his Sherwani.. it was black with dark orange kaam... and it was a dull kaam that looked sooo elegant. And don't let me even start about his shoes, they were the Saleem Shahi shoes.. black with the same dark orange colored kaam.

Our entrances and everything went smoothly... phewwww... and her bro's slideshow was cute. He barely made fun of her... what a nice lil bro. But the Rukhsati was so sad... she is madd tight with her parents so i expected it... that was why I got my hug in before the rukhsati... thinkin ahead.
Salaams UP,
So how did your speech go?
Happy Studying! :)
Henniiii!! Walaikum Salaam... it went pretty well i think. I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be up there.. and i kinda read, kinda made up some things... but every time i looked at her, she made me cry.. pagal larki. I even got a few laughs... can't wait for your shadi, Missy!
Oh yeah, Hina is UP too... I've always been meaning to introduce u two.. when she gets back we do it, inshAllah!
LOL. U know i'm single!
I'm glad your speech went well. :)
Coolio, another UP! But u know I didn't even know I had ties to UP until I moved to Sauga, and people started asking me more specific details. B4 that, saying "My parents are from Pakistan" was always sufficent. I think Calgarians were just happy too see anyone who's remotely similar, so there was not as much emphasis on the smaller details. But maybe things have changed since back then...
Newayz, will miss u at the bbq today :(
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