Happy BuddiDay... I mean Birthday Shazia!!

Much love to Shazo... after all we do go back to Urdu School in grade 5 or 6... i can't rem exactly. But how rude, atleast I remember you were in my class... Shazia forgot me! It's okay, with time all wounds will heal.
And you are my Pharm colleague... although they never schedule us together anymore because we talk too much.. Ohhh yeah, i forgot to tell you. Last Sunday when i was working, some guy called in and started this whole convo with me thinking it was you... don't worry, it was some Uncle guy.. so nothing juicy.

Anywho, back to my ode to you...May Allah (SWT) always keep you happy and healthy... and jaldi se shaadi karaaday. AMEEN!!! Muhaha.
I've finally come to terms with your Hydro-ness.. I guess it's not your fault. Last but not least, let that foot heal and stop waving at random people at UTM... enough is enough! Now make me butter chicken and cheesecake. HAO!! Oh! Roohi made cheesecake today.
Feel free to add embarassing moments and stories about Shazia :)
Oh dear...embarassing moments and stories of Shazia...I have a feeling this thread is going to be LOOOONG!! :D
Assalaamu Alaikum :)
Aww, it's Shazia's birthday!
May Allah Swt bless you with all the happiness in this world and in the hereafter, insha'Allah, ameen! I also let out a very big AMEEN for her to get married soon ;)
Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to hang out with Shazia too often to have embarrasing stories with her :( Insha'Allah one day hehe
Thank you Sarah beti...jeetay raho jeetay raho. (Isn't that the auntie thing to say?) Might I remind you, you're not too far behind me!!! =P But thanks for the wishes and a space on your blog, I feel so special! =)
And no embarrasing stories please. I have a reputation to maintain on the blog!!! =P
We all know what your reputation is Shazu ;)
Sarah, though I'd love to share a couple of embarrassing stories of my dear friend, I think she'd hurt me if I did. And if I've learned anything over the past few years, it's to beware of Shazia's rath :|
Shaz, I wish you "many many happiness" always and forever. May Allah swt keep you happy and healthy always, Ameen! And may we remain 'paatners' in crime forever more. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I wonder why you're so keen on hydros now Sarah...hmmm...?
I think I've finally rubbed off on you, right? :P
I finally tried the baghaaray baingans... how'd you know Deej!
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