Weekend review
So the Hamilton clan came over on the weekend and twas tons of fun as always. A coupla new additions to both of our families... most importantly we got to see lil Eleeza, she's almost 6 months old. She was the star of the party. EVERYbody held her... it was soooo cute when Papa was holding her... i think he wants grandkids.. hehehe... he really really loves Eleeza!
We ate a lot.. and guess who made something for dinner.. and nope it wasn't the salad. I didn't tell them what i made... in case they purposely thought it wasn't good bc it was à la Sarah. But instead they all just said everything was equally good.

Then while the Dads watched the Jagjit Singh in Concert DVD in full stereo i might add,

And Aunty was on my back about getting married again... ahhh bahh... so then i egged them on when they were bugging the new Dulhan's about hurrying with the bachay! Hope we can make it to Ottawa for Eleeza's Aqiqa insh'allah!!
Then yesterday the 4 of us played Cranium again... this time it was me & Sahar vs. the Boys... and we killed em!!! It's hard because of the Canadian trivia... like come on, does anyone really know what Chretien used to hit the intruder at this house with??
I don't know Sarah...i even tried googling it. But I did find out that Chretien had a chokehold on a demonstrator that got too close to him. Damn! Things are just too boring with steely-eyed Harper in power.
Anyways, I've re-joined stupid blog-spot b/c no one cares about MSN spaces. Hahhahaha...anyways, see you soon hopefully...send me farewell dinner pics!!
Hey you wanna try humming it Tuff guy?? huh?
and remove that pic, I find it to be rather unflattering.
and it's the 'Commerce Crew' and we were missing one cuz you all scared of our dominance!
You also forgot advertise for last weeks LDOD (IYL) at Coopers which discussed Dating... tsk tsk... ayecaramba!!... Aye-Caramba indeed.
how does it go again? tu tu rut tu ru tu.. tu tu.. tu tu - nahhhhhhhhhh thats inspector gadget
Are you trying to hum Mr. Ducky song?? We all tried to recall it later.. but no one really remembered. It was jus fun laughing at Azfar... he's such a goofball.
Dahh.. i mean Rubber Ducky song... my rubber duckyyyy... nope still don't remember it.
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