Mehndi Laga ke Rakhna!

Friday, we went to her fiance's mehndi and then it was hers on Saturday. She was hoping to go for the natural look, but her friends managed to talk her into going for a more dramatic look... which she didn't seem to like.. but she looked gorgeous in the end... as always. Seeing her get her makeup done and all dressed up in her lehenga made me realize that in a few days she'll be getting her WEDDING makeup done! Seems like it was just yesterday we were talking bout finishing school and what we were gonna do afterward... and marriage didn't even cross our minds. SubhanAllah... she's been blessed with an amazing guy and in-laws. The good thing is that she isn't gonna be moving too far away, alhumdalillah.. just to Milton. For some reason she wants me to do a speech at the wedding! I'm not much of speech person... the only wedding where I've done one is my bro's wedding... and that was because i had to. So gotta come up with something good... she's already warned me not to make it too embarassing... but what fun is a speech if it's not embarassing? So too bad Hina :)
Don't worry Sarah, Insha'Allah you'll do a great job, worse comes to worse pretend you're really choked up and walk off stage. I'll pretend to console you and you'll get points for being sentimental!
Perfect!! and you gotta clap for me and laugh at the appropriate times even if it's not funny... so i should start practicing crying.. and jus blubbering I love you Hina. done and done.
Makeup at your mehndi? Tawbah tawbah... just kidding. You might as well get dressed up.. mehndis are becoming mini-weddings anyway!
That's what one of the girls were saying. How girls in Pakistan get gold sets made for their mehndis too these days.. craziness!
And people wonder why they won't let Pakistanis serve dinner at their weddings! By the time the wedding is over, they'll have mortgaged their makaan.
Put the wedding pictures up!
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