Crazyyyyy Weekend!
Long weekends are pretty chillin' usually... not this time!
Friday, was Sahar's cousins' wedding! She looked amazing... and sooo happy mash'Allah... which made her look even more beautiful... awwww! And can i jus say, WAH... his sherwani was gorgeous (Sahar's vocabs rubbin off on me :S), it was like Shah Rukh Khan's sherwani in Mahi Ve (except it was a golden-brown)... and trust me not any guy could jus pull it off, but Zubaer totally did.

Saturday, was Bro's Dholki! Complete and utter chaos... woke up at 9 (yo that's early!) cleaned up the place, finished decorating... the place looked hot!!! The basement was covered with dupattas and saris and streamers... my bro had better work his butt off for my wedding!!
Then they even got me up to dance... Ahhhhhh... was quite the sight to see since I really do not know the first thing about rhythm. It's all good.. I had fun.. but realized that I REALLY need to get started on the dances for the Mehndi!! Shabina, lets get started tomorrow ;) It was great seeing all of my girls (esp Hina, who came down all the way from Montreal!! Love ya!)and missed the rest of ya ...
next time ALL of y'all are gonna sing or dance or ur outta there!! But forreal, some aunties were so obnoxious, I'm not inviting them next time... some people jus love to rain on other peoples' parades... what pissed me off was that me and my mom never complain or criticize other people or their events.. EVER.. but that doesn't stop other people from doing so. The way I see it, if u can't share in our happiness then u shouldn't be there, plain and simple. Otherwise, I really enjoyed the day.. but was definitely exhausted beyond comprehension by the end of the night. So, Ahmer's wedding festivities have officially begun!
Sunday -- was spent in recovery. Missed halaqa... sorry Naya... i was too tired to move man.
Monday, we went on this BBQ with some fam friends out in Hamilton. I ended up having fun. Initially, didnt really wanna go because was plannin on goin to CNE with the girls, but that didn't work out... so yeah, the weather was really nice. Way too many bees around tho, all the guys were acting like little girls. Chilled with the guys for a bit... then we went canoeing! My arms were killin by the end of the canoe ride (is it a ride?) but it was fun... being out in the middle of wilderness on the water... it's very calming and relaxing. Had a good time.
Ewwwwwww... school in less than a week. :(
Looks like you guys had a great time. Sucks that I couldnt be there to enjoy it. As for the aunties, you shouldnt stress over that. Thats how they are and you will hear plenty more throughout the whole wedding period (i.e. up until the last day). You just gotta learn to ignore it and enjoy yourself as the happiness associated with weddings doesnt happen everyday.
I agree totally with anonymous. I also noticed a couple of "obnoxious" aunties, but didn't want to say anything to you in case they were family or something :p...just a couple comments were made that made me want to stick up for you.
You did an amazing job decorating your place man, it looked awesome! I can't believe I missed you dancing!!!
Thanks Deej :) Okay fine, Azfar helped me out with the sari... tanks Ausper! Yeah.. okay fine I'll reinvite all the aunties to the mehndi... but they'd better be on their best behaviour or IT'S ON!!
LOL... i dunnno if you'd call what i was doin "dancing" per se... it was more like moving my hands and feet random moments and hoping it would look decent :D
You danced! N i missed it. I thought you only danced for me in the car...this is big news!
The dancing i do in your car... is fully from my heart.. only for you! No amount of practice can compare to my car dance moves...
Speakin of which... who wants to make up moves for me?! I wanna do a dance to Spanish (Desi Kulcha Mix) by Craig David & Rishi Rich... but he says half Hindu and half punjabi... grrr... maybe we can cut the hindu part out.. and then it'll relate to Sahar!
Yo, Aunties are messed up man! What were they saying about our nice Sarah! Grrrr@them!
And I missed her dancing too! I'm so sad :( and I missed you too Hummy!!! We were wondering where you were.
Ohh.. it wasn't anything about me.. I don't think anyways.. it was jus stupidness like sly comments bout food and stuff. It all jus goes back to not sharing in others' happiness... it seems like such a small thing but i guess hard for some people to fathom. I pray that we don't become like that!!!
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