Officially UofT Alumni!

It was a pretty exciting day! For starters, I received a bouquet of roses delivered to my doorstep :) Awwww... I was so surprised!
I really enjoyed the ceremony! I didn't expect there to be so many graduates because it was November, but there were about 700 UTSC & UTM graduates!!
So yeah, we got to Conn Hall and then after picking up the tix I ran over to pick up my gown. And for the life of me, couldn't figure out how to wear the hood :S... then I ran into some friends who were graduating too :) The Marshall guy explained to us the entire process and what would be happening exactly. The funniest part was when he told us that we would be carrying the hoods on our left arms and the Chancellors would be putting the hoods over our heads symbolizing us as graduates... and then we all turned to each other and realized that almost everyone in the room was already wearing their hoods.. ooops!

The importance

until I was walking towards the stage and he put the hood over my head... it was then that i realized that a major phase of my life was over and why our parents were beaming in their seats with tears in their eyes. I realized that graduating wasn't just an accomplishment for myself but also for my parents... and I couldn't have done it without them!
Then Anika, Shazia and I intro'd our parents to each other and they all really hit it off. Finally got home and Azfar had ordered dinner! Thanx little buddy! You're the best!
In case you were wondering... I don't miss school :) However, what i do miss is.... sleeeeeping in in the mornings :(
Congratulations Sarah!!
Congrats hunny!!
update ur post please. Oh yeah - I stole your blog backdrop and am using it in my blog - hee hee.
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