11,315 days

... is 31 years. That is how long my parents, Ammi & Papa have been married, alhumdalillah! So, on this happy occasion this post is dedicated to them.. The 2 most important people in my life :)
I remember, for their 25th Anniversary we made a slideshow for them with all of these old school pictures of us, where Ammi had big hair and Papa still had his moochay... classic pictures! To add some charm to the slideshow, we'd also added these cheesy romantic songs, even hindi ones.. haha like Tujhe Dekha (from DDLJ). Then the three of us did a little video greeting for them too... where we were all speaking too low that you couldn't hear us. All I remember about what i said was that I would've cried but then my makeup would get ruined.. HAHA.. I was sooo weird 6 years ago. Apparently my older bro's greeting was really deep and profound (we blasted the volume) and I think I saw my parents getting a little weepy. Awww...
Then last year, it was their 30th but it was a week after my bro's wedding so those guys weren't here and my cousin was leaving around that time and so we didn't end up doing anything big :(
But MUCH LOVE to Ammi & Papa! May Allah (SWT) continue to bless their marriage and lives together. May He keep them happy and healthy for many, many years to come. AMEEN!
Ammi & Papa @ Bro's Nikkah (Nov '05)
On a little romantic boat ride on the Kolkata waterfront (Aug '06)
Congratulations Aunty and Uncle!
May Allah continue to bless you and you're family with many more years of healthy, happiness and love, Ameen!
Shadi ki salgirah mubarak ho!
(Hey, why am I speaking in Urdu? Gone are the days when I tried to suck up to aunties ;) JK)
May Allah SWT give them many more years together inshAllah.
OY it's been 2 1/2 months now - UPDATE KARO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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