Sounds like a grade 2 report they used to make us write...
Long time since I've posted... where did the days go? And Eid ul-Adha is just around the corner... feels like Eid ul-Fitr just passed!! And I don't even know what I'm gonna wear... ahhh!
Anywho... it was a hectic winter break... once i finished up my exam I was working, hit the RIS Conference on Friday, and my lovely sister, Amber got married.. so that was a 3 day affair... we had sooooooo much fun! We'd been looking forward to it for sooooo long. It actually was like a family wedding... at the Mehndi, I got to hold the dupatta that she came under... felt so special... though i was having issues handling my sari & holding the dupatta simultaneously.. haha.

Amber & Faisal Bhai got engaged around the same time my bro & Sahar did... so we were all wrapped up in our family wedding plans all year. The wedding was so beautiful... Amber is a supermodel in the first place mash'Allah.. and so she was just stunning! I normally don't cry at nikkahs.. but this time I bawled like a little baby... love this girl... she's the older sister i was fortunate to be blessed with. And her lil sis, Madeeha made the cutest speech and half way she started crying... but she managed to finish it! And the party didn't stop after the Rukhsati...nawww mean Sud, Tab, Mad & Azfar! We took soooo many pics.. esp shoe shots.. rem the family shoe shot.. haha. The "this is a no-hand-holding zone" thing was too funny! Aunty's the best! The Walima was fun too... they had some singers come and they were pretty good... all the parents loved it! Bashir Khan even sang a song. We kept trying to request "Dus Bahaanay" and by request we mean writing it down and throwing it on stage... but they never sang it :( All in all, a great wedding... many memories. May Allah (SWT) always shower his blessings and keep them both happy & healthy. Ameen!

And finally we got to see Sehr's (Amber's sister) little bundle of joy Eleeza... mash'Allah she's soooo beautiful! My parents simply adored her... like she was their was sooo cute... they kept posing for pics with her.
And i can't remember anything else... i think that was pretty much it...
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