And they're officially MARRIED!!!
As you may have noticed with the lack of entries... I have been psycho crazy busy the last week or so... with my Bro's wedding preparations! But Alhumdalillah... was tons of fun & definitely worth it. I got a Bhabi out of it!
The few days leading upto the Nikkah.. consisted of a thousand last minute shopping trips, lots of food runs, early morning appointments... our Mehndi appt was for 9:00 in the morn... don't ask me how we made it... well we were like 45 mins late... but Alhum Punita was still there waiting for us.. and man did she do an AMAZING job..

And it only took her an hour to do all 4 of us! I recommend her!
Some not-so-great Moments:
* missing my MAC makeup appointment and then having to go to an Indian "beauty parlour" instead... guy, first she made me look like a ghost... and i had to force her to make me look darker (!!) and then she made my lips look huuuuge & put burgundy lipstick on me... so i basically looked like a clown :( ... yeah I did look like a clown.. the kids told me so. So i came home and fixed my makeup ... :S
*My hair was crazy poofy... i had to flatten it
*Photographer guy made us mucho late for the Nikkah
*It jus HAD to snow that day!! So the roads were a mess...
Otherwise, Alhumdalillah everything went well. My Ammi is too cute... you woulda thought she was the mother of the bride, when we were takin pics at home she got a bit emotional... awwww... I love her! And she'd better cry at my wedding or I'm gonna have a tantrum. Sahar looked AMAZINGGG Mash'Allah... just amazing... and my Bro and her matched perfectly! Haha.. he had a mini fan in his kullah.
May Allah always keep them happy and healthy, inshAllah. Ameen.

I did something embarassing... purely by accident ofcourse, I came to pose for a pic with her and I lost my balance... and almost fell on my butt... but luckily regained my balance. Maddy-ha happend to catch it on camera... thanks!
The pictures took foreverrrrrr to take... but it was really cute watching my bro & Sahar get them done... prob a bit embarassing for them tho.
The cake was beautiful!!! A 3 layered vanilla/chocolate cake.. and decorated with red roses. Totally went with their color theme.

Here's a pic of my Papa and my bro, after the Nikkah posing for a pic. Aww sho cute!
The Ruksati... was sad... she had me crying and I'm from the groom's side!!
But, Woo hoo... they're married! I finally have a Bhabi... more like a sister! Still seems surreal...
Then we came home and some fam friends joined us for some 'rasms' ... well we only did the feeding of the Kheer rasm. Then everyone else fed them too...

Then they were off!
Man, we all went to sleep around 4... we all had stories to share... even tho we were all so dead tired. Me and Azfar still had tons of plannin to do... i still had to write my speech & help Azfar with the slideshow!
Was a great night! Welcome to the Ali Family, Sahar Bhabi!
Congrats Bro & Bhabi!
"i still had to write my speech & help Azfar with the slideshow"
..well atleast you finished your speech, and left me there till 4:30AM to finish and touch up the slideshow(s)and scripts...oh wait theres that headache again..
better end this post...with the quote of the month:
"Too bad, you've already signed the deal!"
(DOn't worry Bobby Jon, I'll stop saying soon enuf)
Congrats to your family. May ALLAH bless them and let them complete the other half of their deen successfully. Ameen!
Put some more pics up!
CONGRATULATIONS to Sahar and Ahmer and to both the families!!!
You girls looked unimaginably beautiful!!! Just the stop-and-stare-make-your-mouth-drop-open kind!
Everything was so well done for the walimah, no one would suspect your speech was last minute Sarah ;) You did a great job! And Azfar's movie/slideshow was so funny (the last scene with Mr. Burns made it the best!) though Tom Cruise did an okay job playing Azfar...may you could've used Brad Pitt? Or Tom Hanks...
I still didn't get to help with anything :( But no worries, when it's Sarah's turn I'm going to be helping out the most!
Sahar, can I call you bhabi too? :D
My name is Iyad Sheikh! Shadi Mubarak to Mamu & Maami (aka Popeye)!
We went to Niagara Falls today... how is Neela mountain? Miss you!
Come to Miami..
What a nice blog entry! :) Congrats to the Ali & Rana families!
I thought u looked good both days, mashallah. Nehowz, i'm waiting for part 2 of this entry-->THE V/Walima! (Complete with pictures!)
Assalaamu Alaikum :D
Awww masha'Allah .. what beautiful news! Mubarak to your family!
May Allah Swt bring many blessings into your home and assist your brother and his wife with a peaceful and loving marriage filled with Deen, ameen!
yay :D
Hey Salaamz Sarah!
Sending your brother, bhabi, your entire family and yourself a very heart-felt congrats!! May Allah alwayz bless ur family with happiness, love and laughter!
Congrat to the happy couple..great pics Sarah...we'd all love to see some more :)
Love alwayz,
Everything was beautiful :)
Walaikum Assalam y'all! Thank you guys soooo much for all of the dua'as and wishes!
Azfar: you did a wickedddd job on the video... the one at my wedding better be even better... after all I am ur best friend 4 Life! And the slideshow.. yo I made that funny u jus did the minor stuff like put it together.. easy stuff!
Yep.. was some crazy month.. but had lots of fun, alhumdalillah!
Yeah yeah, working on Part 2.. Walimah! Still need to upload those pics.
And I thought, we were gonna call her 'B'.. Bobby Jon sounds so redneck..
assalam alaikum,
Yo this is Hammad. how is every one there? assalam talk with u later.
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