Walimah Pics!

My parents & the newlyweds

Shabana Baji, me and Toobi... the coordination of colour was PURELY coincidental! Ammi was the only one not matching us...

The Sheikh Bacha Party: Hammad, Tooba & Iyad.. posing in front of the Head Table on the men's side.

Tooba & I on stage as I did my speech... surprisingly Ammi didn't beat me after hearing that skit part of my speech... haha.. i guess she realized how true the scenario actually was.

Sahar & I... awwwww sho cute! AND my eyes are open... woo hoo!
Finally, the newlyweds grand exit... whilst the throwing of the rose petals.
Mash'Allah, Mash'Allah.. everything turned out great... the food, weather, speeches, the programme... had some issues with the sound system... but Alhumdalillah... the night was amazing. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves! I think I'm gonna go hibernate now...
Everything was amazing! Guy, you had chaat papri, I don't care what else went on lol.
MashAllah you're whole family did an amazing job and you all looked too good to be true ;)
Congratulations to you all once again!
Sarah, no time to hibernate - exams are on their way!
You guys forgot the guestbook! I'm so sad! :(
Not my fault... i wasn't in charge of it. LOL... didn't you notice your guestbook wasn't there, Roo?
Yeah...but I just thought it might be on the men's side! :(
Thanks for posting pics.. I love taking/viewing pics.
Goodluck on exams!
Bacha Party, lol, i love it!! Haven't heard that expresssion in a few years.:)
Great pics, thx for posting part 2. Have a nice weekend, inshallah!
oh man.. i keep forgetting to send u the albums... i'll send them now :) I love looking thru pics too man... speakin of which.. i wanna see more Henna :) and u owe me Montreal pics still...
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