Happy Berday Rooooohiiiiii!

Roohi at the Dholki... man that seems like ages ago... I loved your suit man.. and the set.. you so girlyyyyy... sometimes!

L'il old Roohi is FINALLY 22... been waiting a longggg time for this day... mostly, because she's been calling me a buddi.. since i turned 22... you know Roohi, 22 is when a lot of rishtas come... haha.. May Allah bless you with a husband this year, insh'Allah.. AMEEN! (a pun.. for you!)
Me and Roo (aka KangaRoohi aka Roohsta aka Roohinder aka Loohi, and I'm sure there's more) go wayyy back to 1st year Forensics Class... man that class was killer... but alhumdalillah I found an amazing friend. Awwww... getting mushy. Thanks for being my gym buddy... we SO gotta start that up again in January inshAllah!! We've had some great convo's at the gym... haha. You're the one who got me started on that flavoured Aquafina water. Way too many great things about you... mash'Allah. Much Love!
Awwww Sarahhhhhhhhhhh! Thanks man, you're way too sweet! Thanks for everything and remember...you'll always be older than me, therefore you'll always be a buddi to me! Hahahahah! Just kidding! LOVE YOU! :)
Happ Birthday Sweetie!
I remembered my password ladies! I'm back in busy. CHeck you my blog for some laughs.
Humarah needs ESL classes .. haha!
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