To all the UTMers... UTMAC (UTM Athletic Council) Elections are on Monday, March 28-29/05. Insh'Allah.. my baby brudder, Azfar is running for the Director of Campus Rec. Intramurals. VOTE for him.. he is sooo cute, how can you not! Vote and Promote. As well, vote for Bilal and Jane who are also on the same ticket UTMACtion... that's a pretty spiffy motto... GO AZFAR!!!

Right now I'm actually wishing I was still a UTM student so I could vote but all that was taken away back in Dec:(
Awwwwwww... it's okay Jooj :) Its the thought that counts.. and to how many people u can spread the word onto :D
thoughtful or not, i just realized i spelled your bro's name wrong! i blame my dyslexia-prone mind - sorry!!!! But again, good luck Azfar! And I'll try to spread the word as much as I can :)
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