Wednesday, January 12, 2005

And they're finally off....

Alhumdalillah, yesterday my parents and the Jawaids' left for Hajj!! Even though we had that extra week with our parents... in the end it didn't seem like enough time.. I guess it's never enough... but luckily all of 3 of us were able to see them off. It's hard seeing your parents get emotional... but they are headed on the journey of a lifetime, so it's all good!

Right now, they are in Athens ... and inshAllah they should reach Jeddah late tonight. What a relief... and man I really miss them now. So yesterday, instead of moping around the house, wasting my time.. I decided to go to school to my 6:00 class... aren't ya proud? I made a good decision all on my own. And it turns out that i have no structure in my life without them... I woke up at 12:30 today.. and then didn't know what to do! So here I am on the good ol' blog. Then work in a coupla hours.


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