One Ummah Fundraising Dinner

[Top]: King Sarah & my Queen Marria
Getting ready was half the fun... me and Madihah went over to her cuz, Mou's place... her place is amazingggggg... we all ended up matching coincidentally ofcourse.. we're not nerds like that.. although Maddy was sad when we were trying to convince her to wear her hot magenta suit because she wouldn't be matching... nerd. So
we finally pull into Woodbine.. and the parking lot
was rammed! But luckily, there was a car pulling out of a spot when we turned in.. so we ran to get it... BUT this woman got in before Mou could get in... after a 1 minute staredown, she finally left.. and we were on our way. We ran into Sara in the parking lot... who was also wearing blue!!

Alhumdalillah, the dinner was amazing and i think they were able to raise alot. I think it's too early to tell how much exactly was raised, but from the sounds of it from Yaseen, the dinner was a success!
[Left]: Maddy and I
The tables were named (ie. Patience, Trust, etc.) instead of being numbered which i thought was really creative. The Programme started off with this guy (sorry don't rem his name) telling us about the trip he had just made to the earthquake ridden part of Pakistan/Kashmir... and it was emotional. It reminded us that
tomorrow (future) is not promised to anyone and
that we must continue to give in the way of the earthquake, Tsunami and other disasters as the restructuring and rebuilding process still has a long ways to go. So let's all please keep all the victims of these disasters in our prayers.
Dinner was good as always... Mmmm butter chicken & palak paneer! Which made up for us missing appetizers. Dessert was Gulab Jamman and mango ice cream.. as always. Thanks for the "heads up" Marria :P !! There were also tons of raffle draws.. which none of us won anything :(Mou was especially sad.. she bought like 10 tickets... we call this one: Mou is a Loser.. haha.
And ofcourse, we took tons of pics.... funniest part of the night was Marria shaking the camera.. hahaaa... that uncle sitting at the table next to us was laughing at us...
The Entertainment was top-notch... or as i like to say.. funtastic! The Indonesian drummers were amazing... totally the best part of the night... they were wayyyy better than any Dhol player I've ever heard and I live in Brampton.. I've heard/seen my fair share. I'm gonna book em for Maddy's wedding :D.
[top]: Sabina, Shazia, Iram, Iram's cuz [bottom]: Romana, Sumz, me, Marria
Azhar Usman & Preach were good as well, altho I expected more new material from them... come on you can only recycle so many times... but they still kept us laughing the whole time.
Overall, we all it was a great night. Everyone looked amazing, entertainment was great, food
was great. Teal baby...
Good job, One Ummah! Pulling off an event like that is no easy job... it takes a lot of time, dedication and patience. May Allah (SWT) reward you all for all of your time and efforts. Ameen.
Keep up the good work. People in earthquake affected areas are fighting a war of survival against deadly weather conditions. They need all support they can get.
Jazakallah for the support! Without you guys, there would be no ummah!! I'm very relieved that you had a good time. I will post the amount raised on my blog and the website very soon. To this moment, people are still pouring in pledges, alhumdullilah.
Thanks again, and if you have any pics that I can use on our gallery, can you send em to me! It would help alot!
Awww you all looked so amazing! And it seems you had a great time so now I feel bad that I missed out. But what to do - I had to do some ghar ka kaam and keep my little sis company. InshAllah next year, if I'm here, I'll come out for sure :)
We missed u too Deej! You see that spot in the last pic between Sabina & Iram... that was supposed to be ur spot :(
Whatever guy, ur gonna drive down if ur not here next yr... no excuses!
Seems like a cool event. Reminds me of the GTA MSA dinners... everyone getting all dressed up! Only, there was no worthy cause in that case, only single MSA-ers looking to get hooked up (which never worked anyway because of the "segregation.") Do those dinners still happen?
I think GTA-MSA is kinda still around... but what segregation?! I heard it was a row of balloons.. hahaha... because you can't see thru balloons!
Good job Sarah!
I had a lot of fun at the dinner: the atmosphere, food, speeches, and because of my friends. Although, I believe I laughed too much with all the jokes at our table (labelled Endurance). For that reason, I feel bad and should have been more composed at such a serious event.
But yeah, to a great cause! The Kashmiris have already suffered enough through years of war and to have to suffer through natural disaster is just painful to comprehend.
The only bad part of the night was my cup of tea where I put too much milk and it was cold.
more pics please
updater yours already... i wanna hear allllllll about the Petorborough client... and the struggles you had getting there in the Echo.. haha.
Hey Sarah!!
Just wanted to let you know that we raised just over $21,000!!!
Thanks for the support again!
Ohh WOW! Mash'Allah.. that is amazing... the dinner was officially a success! I wanna see the pic of cheque handover to CARE .. I know you have one.
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