Ahhhhh school sucks!
I guess everyone whose in school right now can mirror those sentiments... I had 2 major things on the same day... I had a huge 20 page essay due on Thursday @ 9 am and then @ 10 am I had an exam!! And both were worth about the same in each course... but Psych is most important right now.... so i studied my butt off for the psych exam.
I didn't finish the paper... but on the upside I rocked the exam (Insh'Allah Insh'Allah!!). So then I was up all night finishing the essay.... which wasn't really the best thing I've ever written... but whatever... it's done! Then yesterday, as i was editing it... i had made a lot of changes to it and it was actually sounding cohesive... my computer gets messed up.... and it tells me to input the disk.. not enough memory or something.. and i hadn't saved it on disk! So after 10 minutes of freaking out... oh yeah and then that computer wouldn't let me log back into the system... I was about to cry.... so i went to another computer finally logged back into system and i was looking for my essay.... all i could find was my intro. Eventually I found the full edited essay... as it turns out i can't read properly when i freak out... so then that was that.
Then I had to find out where the hell the Centre of Religious Studies was @ St.George so i could drop off my essay. Khadeeja had found the address for me... ur the BESTEST Jooj ... then i had figure out how to find the building... so this might be ghetto... but I thought it was a brilliant idea.. so i went to MapQuest and got directions from Hart House to the Religion Building. Seemed like i knew what i was doing....so I get to downtown... it turns out I don't know where Hart House is...

Saw a lot more brown people downtown this time... improvement. I was walking in front of this group of chinese kids... and i swear i felt so self conscious... because u never know what they're saying.. its just non-stop chinese... it's all Seinfeld's fault (rem Elaine and the place where she got her nails done) plus i was wearing my UofT bum pants... so yeah... that's my story. Maybe I'm just too used to hearing desi's talk and understanding what they say...
St. George is definitely confusing - you'd think they'd make the building signs a little more noticeable! Sorry I wasnt more helpful Sarah, but I couldve told you where Hart House is! A little too late though now lol. Next time make sure you call me if you get lost there and I'll be you map, hehehe ;)
actually it's just that the "real" U of T students got used to wandering around for inconceivably long periods and distances during their first year. On most normal campuses you dont have to find a major interesction of the city or take a subway to find your class!
And Hart House isn't easy to find...if it were, then it'd be in the front of the entire campus, but since the campus itself lacks a "front" I guess there's no use to that either
it's true...the St.George people have the biggest issues of all the UofT students
lol...sorry DJQ, it had to be said!
OH NO! You got told DJQ ... and yeah... that map wasn't even helpful... but atleast people there are nice enough to direct me in the right direction... so as u can tell this wasnt the first time i have been lost @ St.George.
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