Sunday, October 31, 2004

Shaz's Trifle was a smashing success!

See Shaz I told you it'd all work out... it almost looked like too much of a masterpiece to be eaten... but once u dug in.. it was all worth it... well if you discounted all of the calories in all of the ingredients ... hehe... Ramadan is all about Calories man...

The funniest thing bout the dessert was Romana's mousse cake thingy... 'somehow'... we don't know howm, her CHOCOLATE mousse cake (Mmmmmm...) exploded or something and she had the funniest look on her face like someone had sabotaged it or something... it was priceless! We ended up renaming it the Chocolate Explosion or something... it was sooo goood...

All I've gotta say is that Shaz sure knows how to feed a bunch of hungry girls... I'm glad we prayed before digging in... and it was good... got to see a lot of people I haven't seen in ages.... was definitely a good time...

Poor lil Lucky.. i think he is gonna be scarred for life... Iram scared him all the way into the corner under the huge laundry sink ... bechaara motoooo... hehe

Saturday, October 30, 2004

My fave Nasheeds right now

Has anyone been having issues with avoiding music (because of Ramadan or just in general) ?

My alternative has been Nasheeds... well i listen to nasheeds anyway.... but in Ramadan they have an even more peaceful and powerful effect.. mashAllah!

My top 5 Nasheeds (for Ramadan):

1) Nabi-un-Nabi -- Zain Bhikha

2) Lailatul-Qadr (ilahi) -- Raihan

3) Iman Mutiara -- Raihan

4) Balada Selawat -- Raihan

5) Children of Islam-- Irfan Makki

Hopefully, this can be helpful... as well i have noticed that there is this stigma attached to nasheeds that only hardcores can enjoy them... and even when my bro first got all into them, i was not really into them... they sounded like they were ripoffs of Mr.Dressup songs or Mr. Rogers' songs...but then after hearing Dawud Wharsnby's "The Sunshine, Dust and the Messenger" ... i was hooked... the lyrics are actually meaningful and inspiring... and the melodies are just amazing... and all of that without the use of instrumens (usually) ...well that's my take on it, anyhow.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Russell Peters is hilarious!

I jus had to put this link on.... its too funny!

His indian and chinese accents are amazing....

However, some of the humour and the language is a bit ... inappropriate and vulgar... so be forewarned... Enjoy!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Midterms are Over Baby!

Hey What's up? Yet another week has passed by since i could update this thing.... jus doesnt seem to be settling down... but now I'm done with midterms.. Woo Hoooo!! Now i can focus on more important things.. like Ramadan.. and Shazia's iftaar... and Anu's Wedding stuff... which is in like 22 days insh'Allah!

Oh before I 4get... "Change your clock, Change your batteries" ... this week's installment of the Fire Station Sign :)

You know what I've realized... doing things last minute pays off.. I wrote this assignment for my Religion class the night before it was due... sure i was up till like 2 am finishing it and was sleep deprived the next day... BUT I kicked butt on it ... with the help of my illustrious editor ofcourse. I'm NEVER doin anything on time again... my moral story of the day...

Then.... i went to my Social Psych class... had to write a quiz... i think i got 3/5 right... considering i didnt get a chance to finish reading the textbook.... can u tell I am proud of myself today :) Hope it lastsssss... we did this "Apprentice-like" assignment in class... where in each group each person had a specific role.... the assignment consisted of each group obtaining a cigarette package...JUST to analyze... and we were to link the peripheral cues to the concept of whether they actually deterred ppl from smoking. Was fun.. we all ended up smelling like smoke tho.. so that was nasty.

Now... I am off to my Anthro Tutorial.. to hand in my essay.. then its off to the Iftaar :)

Have a great day!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Fire Station!

I usually pass by this fire station on the way to school on thursdays... on Creditview... anywho... Why i find this interesting you ask? Maybe i am jus ghetto... I beg to differ.. but outside the station there is this sign that they always change up every week or so.. and on it they have fire safety related advice... and to tell you the truth.. now that i think bout it, i dont even know why i find it so appealing... BUT it always seems to make my day.. for instance today... i think my bros and I were all talkin bout something so i was a bit preoccupied... and all of a sudden out of nowhere, I was like "Did we pass the fire station?!" and they were like yeah.. and i was like "Nooooooooo!!!" But then i realized that i could still see the sign.. and it said:

"Check your smoke alarms."

Totally made my day... the little things in life... I tell ya.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Ramadan Mubarak.. i think?

Firstly, Ramadan Mubarak to all!!

Secondly, what is up people starting today and tomorrow... it was moon sighting central at our place last night... whole whack of people calling and asking ... and all the masjids lines' were busy for like hours!! Then my bro finally tells us that there was a sighting in Texas... and that ICNA & ISNA have declared that Ramadan is Friday... so we were all ready to start fasting today...

THEN .....

we get word that Coopers has declared that there was no moon sighting locally or whatever and that Ramadan is starting on Saturday... and that the Hilaal Committee has also declared the same.

So, what is my problem?! Well if there was a sighting in Texas... then shouldn't we assume the same to be true locally as Texas is just one time zone away... if you're gonna go with local sightings...just a thought.

Why can't we all just get along ?!?!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Wassup Dudes?

Since i am a bit crazy busy right now with school, work and wedding-mania.... why don't u guys liven up my blog? Thanks :D I'll update it soon ... promise...!!!